Saturday, April 18, 2020

It’s been awhile, back again during pandemic of 2020

Well, it’s been a few years since I’ve written anything in my blogs, as my life has gone through so many changes, twists and turns, both challenging and rewarding. I’ve moved a few times since my last blog, been in a new relationship since February 2018, and grown as a woman and human, as well as a metalsmith. Here it is April 2020 and the entire world is living through a major viral pandemic, called Covid-19. I am sheltering-in, quarantining, or also known as social distancing at home with my boyfriend Jason. We are both healthy and well, this is something to be very grateful for. It is very late at night, so I’ll add more tomorrow, and a bit more on this Covid-19. I wanted to add that my metalsmith work and jewelry business is still going on after ten years now. It is especially thriving and going very strong during this pandemic! My sales are actually up 218% compared to same time in previous years. It’s truly amazing and astounding. This is a wonderful blessing, as we can really use the money right now. So I am very busy these fats at home working on many jewelry orders; soldering, hammering, finishing pieces, then packaging them all and shipping the out as quickly as possibly, while still maintaining excellent craftsmanship. In bed now finishing a glass of wine while watching one of my favorite shows, “The Last Ship”. Here are some examples of some of my recent jewelry work. Nite all. Be back tomorrow. 😊

My brass and Sterling Silver compass ring explorers-brass & Sterling Silver compass ring

It’s been awhile, back again during pandemic of 2020

Well, it’s been a few years since I’ve written anything in my blogs, as my life has gone through so many changes, twists and turns, both cha...